
I used to walk my friend's Pitt Bull sometimes, when she was running late from work. She was about the nicest dog on the planet. A big ole' marshmallow. It always made me sad though when other people would walk WAY around us like they were afraid she would lunge and bite, when she would have gladly rolled over for a belly rub and been happy giving them kisses. I used to tell her, while we sat in the grass after our long walks," don't worry girl, it's really their loss". And it was.
Ten or so years later, I started volunteering at an animal shelter that was trying to find a home for a beagle-mix and I instantly fell in love with him ( brought him home, of course). See, they had to try to adopt him out as a beagle mix because it creates less fear than if they had described him as a beagle-pitt mix. I'm not sure entirely what breed he is..but he sure does look like he might have Pitt in him...and true to Pitts he is the biggest baby ever and has enormous heart. Sometimes, I take him to a play group, and he is always trying to get the fosters out of their shell...lovingly inviting them to play. He also loves loves children and is the same way with them.
I know all the dog haters or whatever are probably rolling their eyeballs... They are thinking just another strayed human thinking dogs are more important than people. But no, that's not it really, I think dogs are a lot like we are. I think just like us, they have a wide arrangement of personalities and emotions.
Also, I think many humans don't try to understand each other, so they definitely do not tend to try to understand the complexity of their faithful four legged friends/family members or think about the needs of homeless dogs sitting in shelters. I think sometimes humans also tend to ignore their hearts ( those of dogs)...their boredom, their sadness, their suffering, their happiness, their favorite places, just like they tend to ignore fellow humans. Sometimes.
And then there are those that really have an acute awareness...or at least try to have one ( as seen in this book)...
So if I were rating this book on the compassion and the knowledge it is trying to bring forth about bully breeds or even shelter dogs in general I'd easily give it 5 stars. If I were to rate it on the hearts of Roo and Clara that saved a dog that others discriminated against...that saw his heart and worked really hard to guide Wallace into becoming such an amazing inspiration I'd give it 5 stars too. If I were to rate it on Wallace alone, I'd give it 5 stars.
Sadly, I didn't dig the writing style because it seemed so impersonal for such a personal story. The lack of emotion and distance bothered me. I also felt that Clara was somewhat ignored, and got the short end of the stick in this book and I found it frustrating. I hope it is made into a movie so we can truly see this story shine or that Roo or Clara write it from their perspectives so we see right down to the heart of the story because it is a remarkable one.
BTW, here is a picture of my guy ( the beagle-pitt mix):